This was the first advert i created and its purpose is to advertise one of my supplements. I decided to put a "Free Banksy Poster" in my newspaper because of the links Banksy has to Bristol and due to the new Banksy exhibition being opened in Bristol to. I put the word "FREE" in big red writing as I noticed that a lot of local newspapers did this. I thought it was a good idea to emphasise this to reader because it makes it sound like they are getting more for there money.

This is my second supplement, a local football league pull out, advertisement. I chose to do this because it was easy to link to local people and is a common interest of local newspaper readers, found in my research.
I Started off with the top design and in the end developed it into the second design. I ended up making these changes while making my poster. I wanted to make it look eye catching and stylish and be able to link my newspaper and poster together.